Quantik's Help
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Quantik's Help


Game's Rules

One by one, block pieces appear anywhere on the playing grid. When a horizontal line is completed, it disappears freeing playing space up. When you have made the required lines, you pass to the next level. At level 2, you will have to complete 2 horizontal lines before they disappear (at level 3, 3 lines...).

Left over squares from broken pieces can be moved (or cannot) depending on whether, in the Option menu, the value of Everything can be moved is yes (or no).

You can play with the mouse and/or the keyboard.

At the end of the game, whether you loose or stop with Esc, a window is displayed with your score and asks for your name. If you enter your name and if your score is high enough, it is written in the score file

There is a context sensitive hypertexte help. You get it by pressing F1.

Mouse and Keyboard

To play with the mouse

You pick up/release a piece by clicking with the left button of the mouse. You turn to the right by clicking with the right button and turn to the left by clicking with the central button. You move it, after picking up, by moving the mouse.
If the value of click -> new piece is yes, therefore by clicking on a free space of the grid, a new piece will appear immediately.

To play with the keyboard

You pick up/release a piece by pressing the space bar or 5 once the mouse is on the piece. You move the mouse (and also the picked up piece) with the arrow keys or the numerical pad. You turn to the right by pressing b or + and turn to the left by pressing v or -.
A new piece appears immediately if you press g or, if the value of click -> new piece is yes, by pressing the space bar (or 5) when the mouse is on a free space of the grid.
Esc ends the game. Pause interrupts temporarily the game.


At start, a top-left window displays:
Window of Information
  • the number of lines required to pass to the next level;
  • the score, that is the number of lines already completed;
  • the level.

At the end, another window displays your score and asks for your name. If you give it and your score is high enough, your name will appear in the score window.


The score is the number of lines that you have made. For each file of pieces,

there is a score file.


I like the softwares that can be customized. That's why several tayloring options have been implemented (please, send me your comments and suggestions for more).

Window of option There is a file of options in which you can specify the file of pieces, file of sounds, file of colors, size of the grid...

In the option menu, you can see also the free memory.

If several people use this software, everyone can have their own options: run this program with the name of the relevant file of options (existing or not) and it extension (.CFG).
Ex: QUANTIK JANE.CFG, if it does not exist, set values and save it.

WARNING: files, configuration and help are read and/or saved in the current directory (the one where you started the game).

In the Option menu, you can change:

  1. the colors of the game
  2. the pieces
  3. the sounds
  4. the grid

1) The colors:

The extension of the file of colors is .PAL. When you take another file, the colors of the pieces and of the background are changed.

The differents commands are:

2) The pieces:

They are defined in a file, of extension .PCE. You can change/create the file of pieces with Quantik (if you are licensed) or/and with a text processor.

The differents commands are:

3) The sounds:

They give rhythm to the game (when a piece appears, when a line disappears, ...).
They are defined in a file, of extension .SON. The file can be created/ changed in a text processor. In the Option menu, you indicate the relevant file name.
A sounds file is provided as example: example.son.
If, you set the value of sound to yes and it becomes no, it means that an error was detected in the sounds file, verify it!

4) The grid:

You can indicate, in the Option menu, the size of the grid and also if the grid lines are displayed or not.

About Help

Press F1 whenever(even while playing) to get context-sensitive help.
It is in standard hypertext, i.e. you can access the text underneath specials colored words.

Keys are:


The Load window:

It displays a list of 7 file names and their size. For moving in the list, you use the arrow keys: up, down, PgUp and Pgdw. For finding a name that begins by g, you press g, then you are positionned on the first name that begins by g.
For loading a file, you press Return or click on a name. For destroying a file, you press Del and for renaming a file you press R (shift r).

The Save window:

On the second line, you can change the name (8 chars max): you press Return, then type the name, and press Return to confirm or Esc to escape. Click on OK to save or on Cancel to abort. If a file with the same name already exists, a warning window is displayed and then you decide. Then a window will display if it is successful or not.

How uninstall Quantik

All Quantik is in a single directory. If you have installed only Quantik in this directory, just destroy it (example: if Quantik is in C:\QUANTIK, at prompt type DELTREE C:\QUANTIK).
If Quantik is with something else in the directory, read READ_ME.TXT to have the list of Quantik's files.


This game is propagated through shareware. The Shareware concept is that you can get a feeling for the game for free, but that if you wish to carry on using it, you should register with the author. The author, myself, earns money only from licences. I can then invent other programs. Therefore, if you like it, follow the instructions when you quit the game.
This registration is delivered for only physical persons (like a book: a licence is required for each person playing, i.e. one copy per physical player).

This software verifies the integrity of the program each time it runs. If it detects any change, a message appears and the program stops to avoid the propagation of a possible virus.

Users of Quantik must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
"Quantik is supplied as is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with you. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Quantik."

If you want to give Quantik to your friends to try it out, I would be delighted, but only give them the unregistered version (shareware concept).

Limits if you haven't registered

You can only play 7 hours.

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Date de cration : 16 mars 1997    Dernire modification : 14 December 2000